Thursday, May 7, 2009


Two crews from a small community off the Chukchi Sea hunted and killed a bowhead whale after the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission lifted a restriction in 2oo8 to allow the village to catch one Whale each year at Point Lay. The 200-plus residents celebrated the bloody harvest. While this is the first successful hunt at Point Lay, Savoonga whalers of Alaska have had three successful seasons of slaughtering bowheads, which are one of the most severely endangered of all whales and the population is teetering on the brink of extinction. Beyond these aboriginal hunts, activists blame the United for whale strandings and deaths caused by a joint military exercise with the Philippines. A huge of mod melon-headed whales found themselves trapped in shallow waters off Bataan in February. The Defense Department has defended its exercises, blaming overfishing as the cause.

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