Thursday, May 21, 2009


In Geneva, Japan and her pro-slaughter allies continued to disagree on the number of whales they want to kill. These talks were a part of continued negotiations to dissuade Japan from returning to commercial whaling as early as this summer. Japan wants permission for boats from its whaling ports in Abashiri, Ayukawa, Wada and Taiji to kill minkes along its coast in exchange for reducing the number of whales she takes under the IWC loophole called "research and scientific whaling" in the Antarctic.

Meanwhile, in Washington DC, Pierce Brosnan, the former James Bond star, visited the White House to lobby the Obama administration on the urgency to take the lead in the negotiations with Iceland, Japan and Norway. "Most people think they’ve been saved but they haven’t," said Brosnan. "The slaughter still goes on'.

If the talks fail, commercial whaling could begin this summer with our without the blessing of the IWC.

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